Friday, January 30, 2009

25 RANDOM things..

Ok so i usually never do these things but i thought it would be fun! I did it on facebook and thought you people might enjoy it. 

so here is 25 random things about me...

1. I am blessed with the best family anyone could ever ask for

2. I procrastinate a lot, and i know it get it from my dad.

3. I love all music, and i love to sing!

4. I only enjoy snow at Christmas time, after Christmas it can go.

5. I have a loud laugh. In high school it usually got me in trouble. 

6. as a girl my favorite color is NOT pink. I get a headache if i see to much of it. My favorite colors right now are purple and lime green

7. I absolutely LOVE being the baby of the family. My parents and i just have a special bond!

8. I am so glad that I have to older brothers who have always cared and been protective. It always makes me sad when i hear people don't have that.

9. I used to be a HUGE tomboy, but no one ever believes that. Thanks to my sister that i am no longer.

10. I've always wanted to work with animals since i was in Kindergarten. Ultimately i want to be a stay at home mom!

11. As high maintenance as i may seem, I would rather wear a T-shirt everyday.

12. When i was little, I really thought my dad made the rain stop.

13. I am dating a guy who is the exact guy i've dreamed of. And that is someone who is just like my dad and my brothers! how lucky can a girl get! 

14. If i didn't have the roommate that i have, I think i would hate my college experience

15. I have a best friend who is also my cousin! 

16. I absolutely love one tree hill!

17. I will go on amazing race someday

18. God is the joy of my life, and without Him i probably would not have made it through my life.

19. I love riding my bike, and when i was a sophomore in high school i started going to this park by my house and i would go and sit. It was a place i could get away and just think. I loved it, it really brought me closer to God.

20. I'm a lefty. 

21. I'm really close to my extended family and i love that!

22. My parents are my heros. and they are the people that know me the most! 

23. I love watching sports! Probably all thanks to my brother

24. I love driving, but according to my records, i have a problem doing it! :)

25. My Dog Macy is the best thing ever! and i miss her truly! 

ok well there is me. hopefully you know me a little better now!

Me and my puppy! :)

Well some of my daily readers have been complaining because it has been so long! 

It has been while. So i shall fill you in. Christmas went well, lots of time with family and joe :) and it was so much fun! I love home and family. Makes me happy. God has blessed me greatly!

Now i am back at school though, my "home" for the next 3 months now. As many of you know I'm not coming back to Cedarville next year. I love this school and my friends, but i'm going go back and work with what i have a passion for. Animals, well more dogs than anything else! God has given me a passion for that, so maybe someday i'll actually become a Vet, but who knows, it's all in God's hands now! 

I have already gotten into the mood of not wanting to do work. IT isn't good, but i have friends here that are pushing me. I was reminded last night that TIME is such a meaningful thing. That we need to put our TIME into things that are important and put our TIME into something that is going to effect us later on! I was reminded by a note my mom gave me the first night i was in my room at school. It seems like so long ago! I remember getting into my bed and moving my pillows around and then seeing a box and letter. In the box was a watch i had been wanting and the note was all about TIME, from when i was little till now. I literally started bawling. This TIME i was on my own, it was my TIME to start my new life here. 
Anyways on with it, It reminded me that i need to do things whole heartedly. and not just half. Life gets hard but i need to keep going. That note is hung on my desk so i read it and it reminds me one of my amazing mom and all we've been through and two my relationship with Christ and my TIME i put into that. 

On a lighter note. this week was  a busy one for me. 2 papers, and one test, and a speech this next week. Which i am terrified about! :/ I'm sure i'll be fine.  It snowed here a ton too! walking through slush is not very fun at all! Wednesday we didn't have any classes so that made it a lighter load, and thursday my class got cancelled so i wasn't complaining, but getting back to classes today was not very easy. I just had no motivation but i sitll got up and started my day out right. I've realized that if i don't start my day out without Worship music playing while i get ready i have the worst days ever! Pry why i've been lazy this week. Except when i have to go workout everyday! it's my new favorite thing, well because i'm starting to see results it's my new favorite thing. haha. My friend and I have been working out everyday since we've been back, except fridays. It's our day off. 

I feel like everytime i blog, it's just whatever comes up in my head, i don't know if thats really good. My mom always says "Meredith, you don't need to say everything that runs across your brain!" haha. oh well. 
ok well i think i'd better go now. IT's the weekend! but i've got alot of work ahead of me! please pray for me! 
Love yall! 

Peace, Love, and a boring communication class!

Joe and I. at christmas!